HPB Healthier Choice by Cairnhillcc

we are selected ambassadors of cairnhillcc,to attend the Health Promotion Program and to share the idea & recipes of healthier choice product.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Pandan Agar Agar

Pandan Agar Agar

(serves 5)
1 1/2 packet agar agar powder
1 cup skim milk
5 cups water
3/4 cups sugar
3 egg whites
2 pandan leaves
1 tsp green colouring


Boil water, sugar, pandan leaves and agar agar.
Meanwhile, mix milk, colouring and beaten egg whites together and strain.
Remove pandan leaves. Add milk mixture to boiling agar agar.
Pour into a mould and allow to set. Serve well-chilled.

Useful tips:

For added protein and fibre, and a refreshing taste and texture, replace eggs with well-cooked red beans.


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